Nicole Richie and Joel Madden attended the 1st Annual Noble Humanitarian Awards on Sunday (October 18) in Beverly Hills.
Joel Madden won an award for his work with the Art of Elysium, the award was presented to Joel by Nicole and her Father Lionel Richie.
Congrats Joel!

"Congratulations @joelmadden who got a philanthropic award at the Noble Awards tonight. His work is genuine, inspiring, & admirable."
Joel being a modest man spoke on the night about winning the award:
"They are just as much a part of it, - Nicole does just as much as I do with Art of Elysium and all the charities we work with. And so does [my twin brother Benji]. He actually does more then I do, and he plays the guitar better then I do, so he is a little more entertaining for the kids.”

When asked about the best gift he had ever received, Joel said: “A baby!”
He also told OK! that Sparrow is just your typical newborn.
The proud father joked: “He’s good… He’s one month and he does what one-month-olds do. So go to an Internet Web site and look up what one-month-olds do and fill in the blanks.”
So far, there is no older sibling jealousy from 19-month-old daughter Harlow,
Joel explained: “She’s great. She loves it. She’s really easy.”

The bangs are gone it seems... I kinda miss them. :(
Nicole looks more mature and responsible in her new hairstyle. Dunno if the hairstyle alone or it's also because of her make up. I love her look now. She seems a more deeper person than before. :]
and congratulations to Joel.
Long live Richie-Madden!
... well, I dont think its the hairstyle or the make up. She has worn her hair and this kind of make up before.
She evolved as a person. You always do, when you have kids, a stable life. Maybe thats what you see in her face. But, its only a hairstyle. Just make up. Maybe she just got bored and wanted something new. ;)
And I still miss the bangs.
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