Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Nicole, Joel & Benji launch their cup with a cause

Nicole Richie, Joel and Benji Madden are launching their 'coffee cup with a cause' to benefit the Richie-Madden Children's foundation in association with 7-Eleven. You can read more about this great charity cause here.

Nicole, Joel and Benji where pictured today at the cup with a cause event.

Thanks to www.twitter.com/lindsayjai for these images.

Here is a picture of the Richie-Madden Children's foundation cup, which will soon be available from all 7-Eleven stores.

Thanks to www.twitter.com/LBshadows for the cup picture!

I will be uploading more pictures and news from this event soon.



jam said...

is the cup disposable or reusable?


Im guessing if you take care of it, it may be reusable. Or you could buy a new one every time and then donate more money to the Richie-Madden childrens foundation! xo

jam said...

i live in a very GREEN city, so i was wondering because we're HIGHLY discouraged to buy things that arent either made from ECO friendly materials...so I was hoping that it was made from something that isn't just "throw away"