Friday, 23 October 2009

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden open The Richie-Madden Children's Playground

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden have been running a text campain Text 'Child' to 90999 as part of their Richie-Madden children's foundation.

The text campain hoped to raise $35,000 to build a playground for the children at the Beyond Shelter. Nicole Richie revealed through Twitter that the playground has now been built, Nicole wrote "Just left Beyond Shelter. It felt great to be back. The playground has happened thanx to all of you who helped!"

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden cut the red ribbon at the opening of the Richie-Madden children's playground. Image source.

Yesterday (October 22nd) Nicole Richie and Joel Madden spoke to a small crowd inside the Karsten Neighborhood Resource Center at a ceremony to open the Richie-Madden Children's Playground.
This new playground gives the children of these families a green space to play in a safe and protected environment.

Nicole Richie also tweeted "THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Text CHILD campaign. We are giving these children a chance to have an imagination & be free."

I'm so happy they raised the funds for The Richie-Madden Children's playground and the Children now have somewhere safe to play.

Image credit.

1 comment:

Loren S said...

you guys are really great for every thing that you do for your community and charties.