Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Nicole Richie has given birth to a baby BOY !!

Nicole Richie has finally given birth and she has given birth to a baby BOY!!
Nicole wrote this on her website ..
"In the middle of night, the very early hours of September 9, 2009
Sparrow James Midnight Madden was born to Nicole Richie and Joel Madden.
He weighs 7lbs 14oz. Nicole, Joel, Harlow and Sparrow are all doingwell.

Thank you for all of your good wishes."

I am so happy for the RichieMadden's & also overjoyed that they now have a baby boy!
Both Nicole Richie and Joel Madden have understandably been quiet on Twitter the past few weeks. Joel Madden has now broke his Twitter silence to tweet about the birth of his baby boy ..
"JoelMaddenGeuss who's back..... Oh i'm sorry we were only having a little baby boy."

I'm really happy for them both and send them both my best wishes!!
Also how lucky is Sparrow James with such a magical birth date as 9/9/09


Anonymous said...

aaaaah that's awesome, though the name is a bit a weird, they make a great family can't wait to see the pictures

Crystal said...

Ohhhhh very happy to hear this finally!!!! :) I'm looking forward to see the baby!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

awesome news,so exciting.
Has anyone else noticed sparrow is a madden not a richie-madden?
Perhaps nicole & joel get married?
congratulations to the richie-maddens

Anonymous said...

I think Sparrow is a richie-madden but don't say the richie part. They did the same thing with Harlow untill everyody found out that it was actually richie-madden.

Unknown said...

ah! i'm so happy for them. Did you read the feture in Look magazine about Nicole saying she never had an eating disorder? i think it's a really good article x

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