Thursday, 20 August 2009

*New* Nicole Richie Candid Twitpics

Nicole Richie is great at keeping us up to date with her life through Twitter, it is also a great way to see candid pictures.

Here are the latest Tweets and Twitpics from @nicolerichie ..

"To all West Hollywood Mommy Lizards, FOUND: newborn baby lizard. Smallest little thing I've ever seen without his mom & scared to death." "Day 2 baby lizard was stuck to a piece of tape. I'm naming her ELIZabeth & sending her on her way. Hope she finds her mom "

How cute and tiny is that Lizard!? If i was Nicole, i'd keep it as a pet!!

I get many requests from people wanting a high quality picture of Nicole Richie's shooting star tattoo and you can find that here!
If you click on the Lizard picture above it is a really high quality picture, so i think that is the best picture you will find of Nicole Richie's shooting star tattoo on her wrist.

Another Twitpic from Nicole Richie ..

"Hard at work with @brettrutt & @scottcunha"

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