Monday, 27 July 2009

Nicole Richie features in Japanese magazine Gisele

Nicole Richie is very popular with the Japanese magazines and they do great features on Nicole!
Here is the latest feature of Nicole Richie in the September 09 issue of Gisele magazine.
The picture above really shows how pretty Nicole's House of Harlow jewels are, especially the pyramid bangles, they will be my next HOH purchase!
Gisele also done a feature on Nicole's hair and fashion style ..

Gisele noted Siwy as Nicole Richie's favourite denim Jean brand, Issa London as Nicole's favourite maxi dress designer, Paige Premium denim is Nicole's number one choice for demin jackets, Good Art HLWYD as a favourite store in LA, FLuxS as a great brand for 'tees.

If only i could read Japanese these articles would be even more interesting and easy to understand, none the less .. i love them!
You can click on the images above for higher quality viewing!


Crystal said...

I'm totally obsessed from the black and white sunglasses of the second pic (last picture)!I love Nicole's hair here and also the red shirt!!!she looks gorgeous here! ;)

Crystal said...

I love the Chanel bicolor sunglasses too....I want them!!!! :)
very amazing sunglasses, maybe the best for me!