Sunday, 19 April 2009

Nicole Richie in Shop Till You Drop magazine

Nicole Richie makes the May 2009 cover for Australian magazine Shop Till You Drop ..
You may recognise this picture as it was also featured in Glamour magazine back in October 2008.

Shop Till You Drop currently has an interesting little article comparing Nicole's and Rachel Zoe's style.

If any of my Australian blog readers get see the editorial on Nicole Richie in this magazine, i'd be interested to know what its about :)


Zoe said...

I'm Australian and I got the issue the other week, it was basically just a spread of recent photos, things you can buy that are similar and about half a page of writing. There wasn't an actual interview or anything, as a Nicole Richie fan it was all just stuff I already knew! Love your blog X

Anonymous said...

hey im from australia.. Its a 2 page spread featuring pictures of nicole from recent events & wearing house of harlow 1960. the article discusses her style evolution & what she's been up to lately. They focus on how she is so inventive with her style and how she pulls off certain looks, eg: boho dress with leather jacket. Keep up the awesome site!

Moment By Moment said...

I found the link via twitter and have not yet seen the magazine but I will grab a copy and let you know my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

have you been sent the article yet? i have the magazine if you want me to scan it and send to you?


Wow, that would be amazing if you could email it to and leave me your details for how you'd like me to credit it :)