Wednesday, 12 December 2012

COMPETITION: Nicole Richie Fragrance Giveaway

I have a great early Christmas present for one lucky NRichieNews reader.

NRichieNews has teamed up with Nicole Fragrance to give you the chance of winning Nicole Richie's signature scent in a giftset so you can sample all of the Nicole Richie fragrance range.

Nicole Fragrance :
The Inspiration: "Nicole was inspired by the scents of my childhood. It's very much a reflection of my individual style—a spiritual balance of femininity and bohemian. It's the notion that fashion can be easy, comfortable and offer juxtaposition between casual and luxury." – Nicole Richie 

The Fragrance: "From bottle design to packaging to the fragrance itself, all of the elements work synergistically. The scent is unique and beautiful, classic yet modern. Nicole is a feminine fragrance with a touch of sensuality. It's the perfect blend of Nicole's past and present." 

Click Here to read more about Nicole Richie's fragrance.
To Enter the competition it as easy as 1-2-3!

1. Follow @NRichieNews & @NicoleFragrance on Twitter and then Tweet: 
"I have entered to win a @NicoleFragrance giftset from @NRichieNews"


2. LIKE NRichieNews on Facebook and share our competition link

3. Comment on this blog post with your Twitter username and/or Facebook name so we can see that you have entered via Twitter, Facebook or BOTH!


Competition rules:
You must include your Twitter name and/or Facebook username name so I can see that you have Followed and Liked NRichieNews & NicoleFragrance. I will also use one of these platforms to notify you if you win.
One entry per person - double entries will be deleted.
Competition will close before the end of December 2012.
The winner is chosen at random using a random number generator.
It is open worldwide, so all entrants welcome!


Toni said...

I doubt my number is going to come up, but it's worth a try! Thanks for hosting this competition. :)

Twitter name: MissTonix

Lindsey said...

Yey what a great competition :-D I've entered straight away my twitter name is @LindseyHarte ooo fingers crossed for me lol x

Unknown said...

This is awesome :-) twitter- @geturhearton
P.m. do u know if is this available in the UK yet?

Afsana said...

Would be over the moon if I win! Fingers crossed....
Twitter: dirrty_afsana

(Xtina Aguilera song, I'm no 'dirty' lol)

I posted on FB as well, but I kind of feel uncomfortable with posting my name here for just anyone to see, you know what I mean?

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

@akl941 (twitter).

Unknown said...

Both facebook and twitter- both names are Chelsie_choo.

Thanks and hope I win :)

Unknown said...

Twitter name: @tasnimshama
I hope I win I would love her gift set I love the smell of her fragrance. :)

Amy Orvin said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
Twitter name: @amyorvin

Just in case, here's the tweet-

Amy Orvin

Anonymous said...

Facebook - kayleigh-Nicole Dodd. Twitter - kayleighnicole8 . Thanks :) xx

Nadia said...

My Twitter name is @Nadyxo

Fingers crossed :)

And thanks for hosting this giveaway.


Nadia said...

Facebook name: Nadia González :)


Nini said...

I'm somewhat disappointed that I have to link my Twitter and my Fb account in some way to enter the competition. I absolutely dislike what Fb is doing and will shut down my account in the foreseeable future. I regret to even having created one.

Anna said...

Thanky you Belinda for this giveaway!

I posted the link on my twitter.
My twitter name is BPanq.



Anna said...

twitter: @inthwonderland_

Thanks a lot for hosting this competition!!!

Annie said...



Danica said...

(the tweet: )

And Facebookname: Danica Hilwers

Simpsondressing said...

Facebook name : Aurelle Akomo :)

Simpsondressing said...

facebook name : aurelle akomo :)

Anonymous said...

Twitter Name is @kell_bell_19

So hope i win Nicoles perfume smells so beautiful and i would love to use this fragrance.

Eeeks so excited :-)

TheFaceGuide said...

@tfg_maet perfect christmas gift!

TheFaceGuide said...

@tfg_maet perfect christmas gift! :)

Anonymous said...

facebook name: kim timmermans
finger crossed!! i am dying to win :)

Anonymous said...


NRichieofficial said...

Hi :)
Thanks for the giveaway
My twitter username's @NRichieOfficial


Unknown said...

I hope I win this! Her fragrance is to die for!! My twitter name is @fashionguru07

Unknown said...

I hope I win her fragrance set! The scent is to die for!! My twitter name is @fashionguru07

aprilstar said...

entered giveaway through twitter username is starstrong41

Judy said...

Liked and shared on Facebook as well as followed and tweeted on Twitter.

Twitter: xoJudy89

I really hope to win sicne this would be the perfect gift for a poor European fan who isn't able to purchase the fragrance from outside of the US^^ XO Judy

Myloline said...

So I try this competition :)
Thanks for that and for the international ;) we need that cause we hav'nt any date.

My twitter : @MydraGC


Andrea Darst said...

I tweeted! @adarst213

Anita said...

I really like this competition, I think it's a good idea! I'd love to win :) but who doesn't?
my twitter name: @anita_m_

Lean said...

Thank you for the opportunity! tweeted and follow on twitter (@LeanS12) and my email is LeanS12(at)gmail(dot)com

Deanna said...

I like Nrichienews on Facebook(Deanna Cali) & I shared:

mystylespot said...

tweeted @ladyboarder9669 and shared on my blog facebook page- mystylespot

Woud LOVE to try this perfume!

doreen lamoureux said...

LIKEd NRichieNews on Facebook and share your competition link

fb name is doreen lamoureux

dorcontest at gmail dot com


gaby said...

Following on twitter @1chynna. like on FB Gabriela Aguilar shared on my wall

Dana said...

Loving the competition! entered via twitter: @MissDanaJones and shared on facebook. :)

Britni Rose said...


Facebook: Britni Gallo

Twitter: @Britni_Rose

Thank you!

Miss Kolbie said...

Facebook:Kolbie Richardson

Always love reading your blog everyday,keep up the good work!Happy Holidays xox Filthy Gorgeous Fashion

Marta Araceli said...

My twitter name is pussa_zibang

thanks for doing this givaway! xo

Unknown said...

Facebook name: Jessica Lusk (I don't really use twitter so if I won I wouldn't probably even know it!)hehe
I entered the competition on facebook and twitter :) I would be shocked if I won but it would be amazing so....fingers crossed!!!! :)

Tyler Davis said...

Thanks so much for hosting this contest! I would be overjoyed to win this gift set. My twitter name is @tjquixote xx

nafis said...

try join this contest..amazing..hope can win..
twitter :
facebook :

Denlescki said...

Love this giveaway... :DDDD

Twitter: @KamileD

Face: Kamila Denlescki

I hope I win... :DDDDDD

ELIANA said...

i hope I will be the winner !!!!!
twitter name @nicRichieGreece
facebook eliana murphy .

maki said...

Good me luck :)
twitter ♡NRichie's fan♡

Treasure Junki said...

Finally entered this competition can't wait to be in for a chance to win xxx @treasurejunki

Hstanley said...

following on twitter, and liked you on facebook :) @heatherostanley heather oakley stanley