Friday, 9 March 2012

Latest Nicole Richie pictures

Nicole Richie has been a busy lady this month, let's check out the pictures from events below!
Nicole attended her trainer Tracy Anderson's baby shower, wearing a Winter Kate Spring 12 piece.
Nicole Richie spent some quality time with friend Zooey Deschanel.
Nicole's friend and hair stylist Andy Lecompte aka. Andel's added some va-va-voom to Nicole's do with a weave.
Nicole Richie had a GNO with friends Kelly Sawyer, Simone Harouche and Masha Gordon.

Nicole jokes of her fashion faux pus 'wearing the same outfit' with her fellow gym buddy.

She even found some time to upload Coachella 2011 pictures to her website.



Julie said...

Thank you for these great pics! on the baby shower pic, she looks tired but even without make up and tired she is gorgeous! A natural beauty!
I love your blog and I extra love Nicole!

Unknown said...

so lovely blog you have here :) nicole richie is such a style icon!


Fashion Cappuccino said...

She looks so cute in her gym outfit!