Sunday, 12 February 2012

Fur and Sequins, do we need to say more?

Winter Kate is giving it this Fall!

Check out the latest sneak peek from Nicole Richie's Winter Kate collection, fur and sequins .. do we need anymore this Winter?

Thanks to Kristen


Anonymous said...

I gotta say, I cannot support Winter Kate they use real fur in their collection :-(

Anonymous said...

Fur? Why???? Stella McCartney... forward!!

Anonymous said...

I really hope this is synthetic fur. If it's not, I won't buy Winter Kate anymore.

Stevie Z said...

I love the idea that Nicole uses real fur particularly Beaver!
it's biodegradable naturally renewable and a Canadian product that is part of our heritage.
It represents the proper uses of wildlife management which Canada's has been proud to be a world leader.
It takes good ecological sense as well as fashion sense to use a luxury product that is not only warm soft and exclusive
You can also recut and style it long after your nylon shell is rotting away in a land fill.
I'm sorry if I seem to be rambling
I'm Canadian...we not only apologiize for everything
We also care about this planet and are logical about the land we share with the wild
Your product is beautiful and looks great with your collection
I look forward to seeing more
With much respect

Stevie Z

Stevie Z said...

I love the idea that Nicole uses real fur particularly Beaver!
it's biodegradable naturally renewable and a Canadian product that is part of our heritage.
It represents the proper uses of wildlife management which Canada's has been proud to be a world leader.
It takes good ecological sense as well as fashion sense to use a luxury product that is not only warm soft and exclusive
You can also recut and style it long after your nylon shell is rotting away in a land fill.
I'm sorry if I seem to be rambling
I'm Canadian...we not only apologiize for everything
We also care about this planet and are logical about the land we share with the wild
Your product is beautiful and looks great with your collection
I look forward to seeing more
With much respect

Stevie Z