Sunday, 16 October 2011

Nicole Richie in The Beauty Book For Brain Cancer

Nicole Richie has posed for The Beauty Book amongst many other celebrities.

The Beauty Book for brain cancer is a coffee table which was put together in order to raise money for two important charities :

SNOG (Sydney Neurology Oncology Group) aims to improve the management of brain tumors through targeted research, information and constant scrutiny of treatment options. The group supports the efforts of a multidisciplinary team of Doctors including Neurosurgeons, Oncologists and Pathologists. SNOG is co-ordinating research into various radiation and drug protocols used in advance treatments of malignant tumors. The Group is involved in research projects that span the epidemiology, diagnostic images, surgical approach, tumor biology and drug trials.

HEADRUSH is a grassroots, solely volunteer-run, USA Madison-based, non-profit organization whose mission is to significantly improve the future of Brain Tumor research, treatment, and survivorship. HEADRUSH proceeds directly benefit the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center in the form of a Brain Tumor Research Professorship Award.

You can pre-order your copy of The Beauty Book at TheBeautyBook.Org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate Nicole and all the other celebraties for doing this. I'm 15 and my mum passed away a few months ago from a brain tumor. This book makes me feel happy as you always see pink ribbons supporting breast cancer, but brain tumors seem to go unnoticed. I encourage everyone to buy this book!