Tuesday 15 February 2011

Nicole Richie guest co-host on The View

This is exciting stuff for Mrs Madden!

Nicole Richie was a guest co host on The View today, click here to see a clip of Nicole Richie talking about Charlie Sheen and his need to take responsibility for his actions.

What are your thoughts on Nicole as a co-host?

I think she would make a great permanent fixture.



Anonymous said...

It's not like Nicole herself is sober, though - it's pretty well known she still goes out drinking. I always find it weird that people refer to Nicole as someone who got sober and who could give advice on sobriety to another person. Not that she claims she is sober, of course.

Jen said...

I love all the stuff she does, but I definetly do not think she would make a good permanent fixture on that show. She was a little boring to me, plus I kept getting her mixed up with Elizabeth, they kind of look like they could be related some how

E said...


Wasn't Nicole supposed to be on Diane Sawyer too (like a couple of months ago):)?

Anonymous said...

i hate to say this but she's become so boring. all of her interviews are rehearsed and dull. part of her appeal was her outspokenness and off the wall behaviour. very blah now.