Wednesday 20 January 2010

A word about my blog

So I just received an email from someone who is clearly dissatisfied with my website.

The email states that my website should close down because they believe the images on my site are not for me to share.

I would firstly like to say in the 'About Nicole Richie News' section I quote - 'I do not claim any of these images to be my own and i give full credit to the sources i have recieved the images and news from.'

For the benefit of any dissatisfied viewers of my blog allow me to ellaborate.

My blog is none profit, I do not make any money from my blog.
I do not take pictures from photo agencies.

I source my images from forums such as tfs, foro famous people and other websites which are in the public domain.

I have been informed that if an image is in the public domain it is available for everyone, therefore this is why many other sites who are just like my own use the same sources as I do for images as they are in the public domain.

I do understand that from time to time an image may enter the public domain which a website may not want me to use which is why I kindly ask for them to email me and I will remove it straight away.

There are so many bloggers just like mine and I won't list all of them, but we all survive on the same sources.

If I had the cash to purchase the best most exclusive images, I would do so - but I don't. Which is why I have to wait for the images to enter the public domain before I can share them with other fans.

At the very end of the day, this is just a fanpage. Which supports Nicole Richie and her work.

Please don't penalise me or my blog, as there is so many fansites out there supporting their idols in the same way.

If for some reason you are unhappy with any of the content of my website please email me firstly and I will happily remove anything you dislike.

I enjoy to write this blog, to me it is just a hobbie - I don't intentionally go out of my way to upset anyone.



Miss Tiz said...

Awww don't worry about the haters.

There are millions of fan sites on the internet, is this hater going to to try to shut every single one down? I don't think so.

Nicole is your twitter friend, she knows your site exists. If she had a problem, she'd let you know, and she certainly wouldn't be your twitter friend if that were the case.

Mehhh! Haters are everywhere there is success, you can't let them bring you down. Image the haters Nicole has had to deal with over the years!

Keep up the great work, your blog is fabulous!

Crystal said...

I would like to say that in my opinion this is the best Nicole Richie blog ever!I really like it and I think you give us the chance to have always nice pics and news about our favourite star!
I can just only say THANKS for your care! ;) (sorry for my English, it's not really good! :P)

anonymous blogger said...

I just want to say that I love this site and this is the only nicole richie fansite that is up to date and interesting to read. I love that you put your own opinion on things as well as post new pictures.

I dont think youve done anything wrong regarding copyright law either so I think that you should ignore people who are negative towards you.

I love this site and I hope you don't get discouraged from maintaining it!

111 said...

Whoever emailed you is a bimbo. Your site is great! I visit this site from time to time and I even love your blogsite than Nicole's official web page. lol. Dont mind haters. Keep your site as entertaining and informative as before. :)


Maria Jane & Hind Fashionair said...

hey there want to say something
you wanna know when youre realy getting there become famouse and succesful at what youre doing when you find letters from haters aginst you
dont ever feel bad and dont care about the ten people who hate the blog just look at the hundred who adores it and im one of your blog lover and i read it everyday

Anonymous said...

I really like ur blog and frankly speaking ur blog is the best of all web sites dedicated to nicole richie! i personally see nothing illegal in that, cuz you always give links to where pictures belong and every other site use pics with links, and it is considered to be ok. so dont pay attention to random people expressing their dissatisfaction! xoxo, from russia with love

Anonymous said...

Uh, photos from TFS, foto, etc are not in the public domain. They post them illegally from photo agencies. It sucks, but it's true. It sucks people are targeting your site because a million billion sites do exactly what you do -- and some are plastered with google ads in an attempt to make money off their illegal images.

I'm just leting you know. If you get a DCMA letter, you have to take the photos down. You don't have a case, unless you 1) have written permission from the copyright holder or 2) you purchased the rights to use the photos.

Anonymous said...

why the haters? Theres millions of celeb blogs, website, whatever u wanna call them and to me they all seem to be doing what your doing, some hater is probably just jealous, ignore them coz if u have to take yours down wouldnt nearly every one else who doeas what u do???? Love this blog!! Keep doing what u doing loving the work xx

longredthread said...

<3 ur blog. f@ck the haters!

Anonymous said...

seriously, fuck the haters! i love your website and check it everyday! you do a great job of keeping it up to date and mentioning where you got your sources.

Citla said...

Come on!.. we just ♡ - ♡ - ♡ - ♡ your blog!.. :)

Citla said...

come on!.. we just ♡ your blog!.. it´s awesome :)

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you know what ! I have the SAME problem than you ! i have a blogspot and i receive this kind of critisim ... some people are just jealous ....

continue your good work !

MyMy from L'opinion de MyMy

Anonymous said...

your blog is the best! it's easy to use and always has the best nicole news and pics. please don't stop blogging!

MRC said...

we all Nicole Richie fans love this site! we are always informed and it's really great! I don't thin there's anything wrong with this site as it's all to suport Nicole and keep her fans informed!

Keep up with the good work! ;)