Thursday, 3 December 2009

Nicole Richie is Miley Cyrus' fashion idol

Miley Cyrus recently revealed that she adores Nicole Richie's style.
Miley spoke to Seventeen "I share a stylist with Nicole, so it's really cool to see something from her line and be able to ask Nicole where she got it or what her inspiration was." Miley said. "I'm in a cool position where the fashion icons that I have are available to me, and I can learn from them."

The stylist behind Nicole Richie's and Miley's fabulous outfits is Simone Harouche..
Not only has Simone worked with Nicole and Miley, Simone is also to thank for some of the outfits Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez and Panic at the Disco have been seen wearing.

I adore Simone's styling!

For an insight into the world of the fashionable lady herself check out Simone's blog The Last Word.


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