Sunday 29 November 2009

Nicole Richie & Joel Madden NOT doing a reality TV show

Rumors have been circulating that Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are currently in discussions with an undisclosed network to appear in a new home-based reality show where the famous friends pop by to be interviewed by the couple. Joel Madden shot down this rumour on Twitter by saying;
"Yes. Nicole and I are doing a reality show. Its called "The Pimple Life" Nicole helps me get over Adult Acne. Its gonna be on lifetime."

I love Joel Madden's come back to the ridiculous rumour!

Yet still people thought Joel was somehow being serious, so he then tweeted;
"SERIOUSLY?? NO. We aren't doing a reality show. We keep work and family seperate. And twitter is just where we make fun of each other ."

Great way to shoot down the rumour Joel!


1 comment:

anonymous blogger said...

I thought this rumor was pretty ridiculous especially since it said the show would be based in their home, I couldn't imagine Joel and Nicole doing a show out of the privacy of their home.