Tuesday 24 November 2009

Nicole Richie: It's important for me to stay in bed & recover

Nicole Richie has wrote this blog post on her website nicolerichie.com

Thank YouI’d like to thank you all for the kind words and well wishes over the past few weeks. I wish I could have been there for the Bebe-House of Harlow 1960 evening. I was truly looking forward to meeting everyone there and sharing that moment and capsule collection with you.

I am also disappointed I wasn’t able to attend the Holt-Renfrew Calgary opening. I heard the store looks beautiful and Holt has been such an amazing partner over the past year. I will definitely be back in the Spring when Winter Kate launches.

Right now it’s important for me to stay in bed and recover. Reading all of your messages on Twitter and my website has really brightened my spirits and I am so grateful for the support.
I look forward to seeing you all very soon and wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Peace & Love, Nicole.

I think i speak for all Nicole fans when i say keep resting!
She has got to get well for the holiday period.

It's great of Nicole to let us know how she is doing.


1 comment:

jam said...

Congrats! I always check out nrichienews and I'll be sure to read up on your new blog!