Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Nicole Richie in car accident

On Monday 5th October Nicole Richie was in a car accident, nothing serious has been reported so i truly hope Nicole is ok. Nicole Richie was on Canon & Whilshire in Beverly Hills when her Range Rover was rear ended by what appears to be an unliscensed Paparazzi driven car, thankfully neither of Nicole's two children were in the car.
Police where called to the scene and although Nicole reported 'being in pain' she did not go to ER and was later taken to her own doctor at Cedars-Sinai medical centre.
The report from the Beverly Hills police states..
"Ms. Richie was driving with a passenger around 2pm when she was struck by two photographers driving in one vehicle behind her. She complained of pain and her passenger is transporting her to a local hospital. Her car sustained moderate damage. No paramdedics were called to the scene."
The driver to blame was arrested for driving without a liscense.
I think the Paparazzi are out of control, imagine how much worse this could of possibly been. They need some laws against them especially on the road, this is well documented in the history of Princess Diana's death, its awful how they think they can act.

Nicole's Mom Brenda Richie showed up at the scene to console Nicole and to take her to the hospital.

I hope Nicole is doing ok.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I definatley agree with you that paparazzi need some laws against them, it's disgusting the way they treat famous people/celebrities, I don't quite think they understand that they are just human !

I think paparazzi are scum of the earth, leechers. Making money off of celebs for what? Clicking a button on a camera!

I hope her and her passenger are ok.

Katie T. said...

i agree, they need laws against these beasts. this incident further proves it. they are invading people's LIVES and thankfully today was only minor damage, but it could have been a lot worse. i hope nicole is okay, she seems to have handled the situation very well and with great class. and totally off subject, but do you know who made her bag? love it.

Anonymous said...

Im glad Nicole was not hurt and I really like your site! but are you not a bit hypocritical when you use these pap photos on your site?? Are you are not fueling them?

Crystal said...

Oh poor Nicole!!!!
I love her outfit here!especially leggings,sunglasses and bag!!!lovely hair too!
motherhood makes her more beautiful! ^_^


In response to Anonymous poster #2.
I do agree with what you said about being hypocrtical. I guess what i mean is that they should have restrictions put on the paparazzi to avoid accidents. Everyone loves to see candid celeb pictures so i think it would never be possible to stop people taking pictures they just should have more safety laws against it.

In response to Katie
Nicole's bag is by Balenciaga & i think it may be the 'city bag'
