Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Nicole Richie fan pictures

I've just came across a website called Meet The Famous, which allows fans to upload a picture and story of themselves with celebs.
I love the concept of this site, its a good way to see rare photos!
Here is a few fan pictures and stories with Nicole Richie ..
"This is a photo me with Nicole Richie after the first season of the simple life. She was appearing on Late Night with Conan O'Brien and she posed and signed autographs for several waiting fans. She had just become a celebrity and was so happy to meet some of her newest fans."

"This photo was taken in a party in LA after Nicole gave birth... She was very sweet and humble, posing with me and my group after shunning all autograph requests and photo ops on the red carpet outside. "

"By the time I got close to her she was in her car but she was kind enough to roll down her window and talk to us. She was very kind and funny joking around with some of the people that were standing around with us. I was in complete shock because my friend and I always said if we could have one celebrity best friend it would be Nicole Richie."

"This photo is in NYC. She just looked forward and kept on walking. She was beautiful with very little makeup, her hair in a bun, and a cute little dress. It was madness, the photographers were running around and trying to get her to stop. She warned the photographers that there were children around and to calm down, but they didn't listen. Everyone was upset. But she is a new mother and she wanted to make sure that the children were not hurt at all."

"Nicole was at a bookstore in SF signing copies of her book. She was so nice, there were tons of people crammed into this tiny room and she took pictures with everyone and signed your book and one other item. I had her sign my stuff magazine and my book. She was very chatty with every person, she actually seemed happy to be there. "

If you have been lucky enough to meet Nicole Richie feel free to email me your photos and i will feature them on this site!

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