Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Nicole Richie waiting to go on Regis & Kelly

Nicole Richie has just shared this fabulous picture via www.twitter.com/nicolerichie
Nicole is pictured waiting to go on The Regis & Kelly show this morning in Miami.. "Going on Regis & Kelly in 5 mins. I'm in a cabana waiting by the pool. This is the life!! "

Nicole Richie is fully accesorised in her own jewellery from her House of Harlow 1960 collection.

I am excited to see the video of Nicole's appearance, i will post it as soon as it is online!!



Anonymous said...

PLEASE post the video!!!!
That would be so great!!!
I really want to see it (and I´m sure a lot of european/not-american fans too)!!!!!!

Best wishes from Germany


Im hoping to find the video very soon :)
If i was from America i would of recorded it, but its difficult for me to get it as im from the UK!