Sunday, 18 January 2009

Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton in 2003

So i noticed there isn't many videos of Nicole Richie from her early years.

It seems as though the media and youtube only got obsessed with Nicole Richie in her 'skinny' days.

So i have uploaded this video of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton chatting about the Simple Life 1 way back in 2003 ..

How much has Nicole Richie's style and personality evolved?

I don't think Paris Hilton has altered a whole lot.
Although I do like her hair in that video, she suits the long blonde look rather than her current short cropped look.

It is amazing to see the changes in people over the years!!

By the way, i have no idea why there is a cow in Paris Hilton's garden!?


Mona said...

the bought the cow to save it :D it was in a season of the simple life.

Anonymous said...

i loved loved nicole richie and paris hilton in the simple life. thats when my obsession started. i never thought of nicole richie has large, fat or chubby. i just thought she was so pretty and was soooo soo funny. she really made the show the success it became!