Saturday, 24 May 2008

Nicole Richie wins a motherhood award

Nicole Richie wins a golden pacifier award from Babytalk magazine
This is what the editor-in-chief had to say about why Nicole Richie has won this award ..

"Honoring Nicole Richie with a Babytalk Golden Pacifier Award might come as a surprise to some, but we felt that she deserved some recognition for her turnaround since becoming a mom.

She's grown up a lot since the arrival of little Harlow, and her creation of the Richie-Madden Children's Foundation has demonstrated her efforts to set a good example by shining a spotlight on important issues affecting today's families."

WOW, i am so happy for Nicole!

She truly does deserve this award and its great to see her getting recognised as a Super-Mom!

What spin could the gossip rags possibly put on this great news ?!

Much Love,
Nicole Richie News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she sure does deserve it!!