Saturday, 10 May 2008

Nicole Richie goes to the studio

Los Angeles, California
May 9th '08

Yesterday afternoon Nicole Richie & Joel Madden (Although he's not pictured - he was there!)
Where spotted heading into Siren Studio's.

Nicole was looking simple but lovely & was wearing her favourite Minnentonka boots.

I have been really intrigued lately as to why Nicole Richie has been going to so many studio's.

So I done some reading about Siren Studio's and they hire out space for TV sets and also hire out space for photoshoots.

I'm guessing Nicole was there on a photoshoot as this pic of them below, show's Nicole and Joel leaving the studio and Nicole's hair looks much more tidy than the previous photo's and she has quite a bit of make-up on.

but you never know there may be something more interesting as to why Nicole has been going to so many studio's lately, we'll have to wait and see!

Much Love,
Nicole Richie News

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