Monday 22 February 2010

Nicole Richie's photo album from her trip to Montreal

Nicole Richie was in Montreal last week to promote her fashion empire.

Nicole Richie has shared these great pics on her website from the trip to Montreal.

Nicole Richie with Rick and Brian.

Nicole Richie flying the cytrynbaum's jet.
Nicole Richie also wrote:-

'This past Thursday I flew to Montreal to promote my two lines Winter Kate, and House of Harlow 1960. And by flew, I mean I actually flew. My partners, Rick and Brian, let me be the co-pilot once again on their jet! It was so much fun! Now if only everyone else on the flight felt the same way.

I got there and it was FREEEEEEEZZZING. Which made me even more grateful that so many people came out to Holt Renfrew to hang with me. It’s important to me to do these in-stores because it gives me a chance to come face to face with everyone that has supported my dreams and get to thank them personally.

So thanks Montreal for giving me such a freezing- I mean warm welcome. See you again soon!
xoxo Nicole Camille Frostbite Richie'

To see more pictures from Nicole Richie's trip to Montreal visit her official website


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about your CHILDREN?????